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to Allah we shall return eternally, to face the real of reality.

Hi? How'd have you been? it has been too long since I last met you here, right?  up to six-seven years I assumed? long story short, six years with ups and downs: battling with some serious issues of mental health, jinxing your lowest self-esteem, barely to breathe, couldn't choose which way leads to wider horizon of promising life [financial and career I supposed?] all these things keep me anxious about future though I know I do not hold it... only He does. and yeah now I'm facing with a serious issue of body health (still a shocking news to me) I'm sure He loves me unconditionally *wipe tears. well it definitely a hard-rock ship coursing my undergrad life. not a smooth sailing told ya. but I'd say I definitely made it, yes I was. obviously with His helps and grace upon me. you can tell my eyes, they're holding pure liquid-crystal-white whenever the storms started to shake my mind; Oct 19th, 2021 // 12 RA 1443H ;(it was The Prophet Muhammad's birthday, peace



and I need a huge spirit.


satu-satunya yang bertanggungjawab menjaga semangat aku.
adalah diri aku sendiri.


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